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Small, shape-changing, spellcasting cat spirit. Often mischievous.

6 HP, 1 Armor, 10 STR, 16 DEX, 12 WIL, Claws (d6 damage)


  • Can change into a person, a house cat, or its true form — a small bipedal cat.
  • Able to sense the presence of any creature within 30 feet of it that is invisible or ethereal. It can pinpoint such a creature that is moving.
  • Firestarter: With a glare, a bakeneko can set a flammable object on fire.

When a house cat reaches the ripe old age of twenty, it develops supernatural powers and becomes a yōkai. It becomes far stronger, gains human intelligence, and grows in size.

Bakeneko make liberal use of their shapeshifting abilities to disguise themselves as normal house cats or even, sometimes, as their owner. They often learn to speak human languages and enjoy dancing, singing, and making mischief.

While some bakeneko are content to continue a kept life, others take revenge on unkind masters, killing them off and living in their place. Most households are wary of their cats becoming bakeneko, as many a new yōkai learning to control its powers has accidentally set the family house on fire.